Landscape Architectural Services


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Name Category Rfq # Due Date
Special Assistant for Multimodal Transportation Landscape Architectural Services Not Applicable 9/20/2024
Special Assistant for Multimodal Transportation Landscape Architectural Services Not Applicable(2) 9/20/2024
Baton Rouge Greenway and North Boulevard Promenade Landscape Architectural Services 14-DP-DD-001 1/23/2014
City Hall Sculpture Court Renovations and Expansion Landscape Architectural Services 14-DP-DD-002 1/23/2014
Baton Rouge Riverfront Master Plan Implementation,Repentance Park, Fountain and Improvements Landscape Architectural Services 10-DP-DD-001 8/12/2010
Special Assistant for Multimodal Transportation
Not Applicable - Landscape Architectural Services
Due data: 9/20/2024
Special Assistant for Multimodal Transportation
Not Applicable(2) - Landscape Architectural Services
Due data: 9/20/2024
Baton Rouge Greenway and North Boulevard Promenade
14-DP-DD-001 - Landscape Architectural Services
Due data: 1/23/2014
City Hall Sculpture Court Renovations and Expansion
14-DP-DD-002 - Landscape Architectural Services
Due data: 1/23/2014
Baton Rouge Riverfront Master Plan Implementation,Repentance Park, Fountain and Improvements
10-DP-DD-001 - Landscape Architectural Services
Due data: 8/12/2010